Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summertime Top 10

Training in the Summer is hard. In fact I’ve debated which is worse, training in the Winter or training in the Summer. And those of you who know me, know I hate the cold! So I should like training in the Summer right? Wrong. I’m going to try my best to put a positive spin on this.

Top 10 benefits of training during the Summer

10. At least you aren’t crawling out of bed in the morning to run in negative degree weather. There’s nothing worse than getting out of bed when it’s cold!
9. You sweat out all the negative stuff; pain, stress, last night’s glass of wine, whatever you want your sweat to represent.
8. Since you sweat so much, you lose weight! Even if it’s just for a couple of hours.
7. You get a nice little runner’s glow from being out in the sun.
6. Gatorade and water taste exceptionally good.
5. You can stop more often, because you MUST take a water break for those necessary fluids/electrolytes.
4. You don’t have to see people running in pants that are skin tight, although this might be the one time a year we’re all skinny enough to wear them.
3. If you’re smart, you run early enough in the morning that you can go the rest of the day without thinking I still have to run.
2. Cross training or anything indoors seems like a treat.
1. When it turns to Fall, you’ll finally realize it was the weather that was making you feel out of shape.