Saturday, April 17, 2010

Chasing the High

No I don't mean a drug high, I'm referring to a runner's high. After almost every long run I feel this rush of adrenaline and feeling of accomplishment. I'll admit, I usually call my Mom or Dad afterwards to share my excitement. It probably gets kind of annoying but I think more than anything each time I run a new distance, I surprise myself so I have to share with someone. It's one of the best feelings to have ran a distance that you never thought you could have. Not only is the rush exciting after you've ran a long run, but you can also eat pretty much whatever you want! I try not to take this to the extreme but as you all know, I LOVE my food! :) Don't get me wrong, it's not all runner's highs and good food. Running is hard. It's one of the most challenging things mentally and physically that I've ever done. Sometimes it's mind over body and sometimes it's body over mind but I love it.